As we are awaiting an exciting litter from Simba and Forest, I couldn’t help but look back to when these two were pups. They were so so cute and they have grown into our biggest malamutes. These two giants are both so sweet and loving it has been a pleasure to watch them grow up! As a pup Simba was energetic to say the least with time he has settled but every once in awhile we get to see his hyper puppy side show through again! Forest on the other hand has always been calm, cuddly, she would do anything for a scratch on the head she is the sweetest girl. Amongst others one of the greatest parts of owning a malamute is watching them grow and change into what they’re going to look like and how they’re going to act.
Sitka has done it again, she recently birthed nine beautiful babies. The nine newborns are all strong and healthy. Out of the nine, seven are red! As you can see from the two reds in this photo each pup still has its own unique shade of red some are much lighter than others and some are very dark. This is one of Sitka's sweetest litters we can't wait to see what beautiful mals they will become!
We have two wonderful litters right now, one from Sitka and one from Charlie. These two mommas are doing an amazing job raising their pups. These two very different mommas made two VERY different litters. Sitka's litter consists of smaller pups, that're very playful. Charlie's pups are more calm and they're huge! Charlie's pups Sitka's pups Obviously the physical differences can be seen between the different mothers and pups, but it's so fun to also see the personalities get passed down, for example some of Sitka's pups are sassy just like her. We continue to see more differences between each litter, and we can't wait to see what's next!
One of our beautiful mals Mayah had her first litter a few weeks ago and we love them! Mayah, coming from big show lines is gorgeous, has perfect ears, standard size, super obedient, and very friendly. It's amazing to see these traits showing in her puppies. Even though they're only a few weeks old these pups are so loving and most of their ears are standing up already, which usually takes at least 6-8 weeks. They're already taking after their beautiful momma.
Charlie's most recent litter brought us seven amazing puppies, but two of them were unlike the rest they were extremely wooly and we LOVE them!! Our mals are so gorgeous excited to see what our next beautiful litter brings us!! One of our favorite momma's Charlie had her second litter a few weeks ago her babies are growing up quickly. They're such a fun litter we love having them around!! Charlie had four gorgeous red pups this litter, two of them are very dark and two of them are really light. The different colors out of this litter especially the reds are absolutely stunning.
We were so happy with Sitka's beautiful litter that we decided to keep one of them. This is the newest member of our malamute family. Meet Forest, when she was just a little pup we gave her the nickname Spazzy because she's the most energetic fun loving pup in the litter. We fell in love with her gorgeous colors, markings, and especially her personality. She's starting to look a lot like her beautiful momma Sitka. We are so happy to have her as a new addition to our malamute family, and Sitka's glad that she gets to keep one of her sweet babies.
Sitka's beautiful puppies all get along so well but, Forest and Spot have been inseparable since day one. This is something we love about our Alaskan Malamutes, especially the puppies. Our Malamutes make the best companions, everyone has heard the saying "dog is man's best friend" but we disagree we believe Alaskan Malamutes are man's best friend. We love our Malamutes we are so sad to see this amazing litter out of Coho and Sitka leave in just a few short weeks.
In just one week some ears are starting to sneak up, and Chinook's puppies went from getting around to running around. Sitka's babies are up on all fours now and eyes are all open will get some new pictures soon of her sweet babies. Both of these litters remind me of why I love Alaskan Malamutes.
![]() Amazing the transformation these puppies have made in just four weeks. They are absolutely gorgeous and will bring joy to their new families in just before you know it. These amazing malamute puppies are a perfect example of what we strife to achieve with each breeding. Chinook's puppies have amazing personalities, beautiful thick coats, and are growing like a weed patch. We sure weren't expecting any red and whites, but this litter has been full of surprises. My kids can't put these ones down and will sure hate to see them go, but very happy that good homes have been found for these sweet fur babies.
December 2023
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